[an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive] cosign: (none)
CoSign: Collaborative Single Sign-On  

Cosign Build Notes
Apache Filter

To build the Apache filter you need Apache 1.3.X. Support for Apache 2.x is available. Your web server should have SSL enabled.

You will need OpenSSL 0.9.7a or newer.

You will need a source of entropy for the OpenSSL libraries to work. If your system has /dev/*random then you're all set, otherwise you should get something like prngd or egd. Solaris users should refer to document 27606 "Differing /dev/random support requirements within Solaris [TM] Operating Environments" at http://sunsolve.sun.com/. Users of operating systems lacking a built-in source of entropy ( such as AIX ) will want to get prngd.

If your cosign protected service needs Kerberos credentials, you will need MIT krb5-1.2.7 or later. Kerberos libraries are not required if you do not need access to kerberos credentials. If you are building a central weblogin server, see README.weblogin in the source distribution.

To build the Apache authentication filter:

NOTE: On Redhat 9, kerberos is in a non-standard place, and so, by default, configure may not find it. So if you need to use kerberos ticket transfers, you will need to do the following.

Add "env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include" before you run configure. So in csh your configure line will look like this:

env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include ./configure

and in bash or sh you'd type:

CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include ./configure

To build:

make install
mkdir -p /var/cosign/filter
chown APACHE_USER /var/cosign/filter

'make install' will install the filter using your copy of apxs. Be sure to change APACHE_USER to the username defined in your httpd.conf file.

Finally, create a CA directory to hold your CA certificates. Copy the CAs ( see the CAcerts directory in the root of the cosign source distribution ) to your CA dir and issue the c_rehash command ( c_rehash is a perl script that ships with openssl ). If you choose to store your certs in '/usr/local/etc/apache/certs' then the commands would be:

    mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/apache/certs
    cp CAcerts/* /usr/local/etc/apache/certs
    c_rehash /usr/local/etc/apache/certs

output should look like:

    Doing /usr/local/etc/apache/certs
    umwebCA.pem => 4700e8dd.0
    RSA-SSCA.pem => f73e89fd.0
    entrust.pem => ed524cf5.0

Configure Apache ( U of M specific example ):

In the U of M environment, you'll want your directives to look like this:

On your http ( port 80 ) side, and any dirs or locations you want exempt:

    CosignProtected		Off

in :443 ( or otherwise https ) vhost

    CosignProtected		On
    CosignHostname		weblogin.umich.edu
    CosignRedirect		https://weblogin.umich.edu/
    CosignPostErrorRedirect https://weblogin.umich.edu/post_error.html
    CosignService		[use what remains after dropping .umich.edu from the ServerName]
    CosignCrypto		/path/to/key /path/to/cert /path/to/CAdir

NOTE: trailing slash is required on CosignRedirect! The redirects won't work correctly without it.

Stop and Start Apache

See README.scripts in the source distribution for a cron job that prunes old cookies from the filter's database and scripts for local logout.

Apache Configuration Options:

CosignProtected         [ on | off ]
            governs whether Cosign is invoked or not

        CosignHostname          [ the name of the host running cosignd ]
        CosignRedirect          [ the URL of the cosign login cgi ]
        CosignPostErrorRedirect [ the URL to redirect to if the user
                                would be redirected to the login cgi
                                during a POST. This screen lets people
                                know we dropped their data. ]
        CosignService           [ the name of the cosign service cookie ]
        CosignSiteEntry         [ the URL to redirect to after login  ]
        CosignCrypto            [path to key] [path to cert] [path to CA dir]
        CosignRequireFactor     [ a list of the factors a user must satisfy ]
        CosignFactorSuffix      [ optional factor suffix when testing
                                for compliance ]
        CosignFactorSuffixIgnore         [ on | off ]
        CosignHttpOnly          [ on | off ]
                module can be use without SSL - not recommended!
        CosignTicketPrefix      [ the path to the Kerberos ticket store ]
        CosignFilterDB          [ the path to the cosign filter DB]
        CosignFilterHashLength  [ 0 | 1 | 2 ]
            subdir hash for cosign filter DB
	CosignCheckIP		[ never | initial | always ]
	    check browser's IP against cosignd's ip information
        CosignProxyDB           [ the path to the cosign proxy DB]
        CosignAllowPublicAccess         [ on | off ]
            make authentication optional for protected sites
        CosignGetKerberosTickets        [ on | off ]
            module asks for tgt from cosignd
        CosignKerberosSetupGSS          [ on | off ]
            setup the enviornment so that other apache modules
            that need GSSAPI/Kerberos work. e.g. IMP running under
        CosignGetProxyCookies   [ on | off ]
            module asks for proxy cookies from cosignd

The certificate CN of the weblogin server must match CosignHostname.

./configure may take the following options:

--enable-krb=path_to_krb                enables Kerberos V
--enable-apache1=path_to_apxs_1.3       enables Apache 1.3 filter
--enable-apache2=path_to_apxs_2         enables Apache 2 filter
--with-GSS                              enables GSSAPI
--with-filterdb=DIR                     overrides default of /var/cosign/filter


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