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Re: Cosign install problem

Very sorry these updates aren't part of the installer yet:

Add the following registry entry:

HKLM/SOFTWARE/University of Michigan/ITCS/Cosign

Add a string value called ConfigFile. Set the value to "C:\Program Files\IISCosign\cosign.dll.config" less the quotes and the path to wherever your config file is located.

The following permissions need to be set for Windows 2003 (this is not necessary for a Win2k/IIS5 setup):

For your entire /iiscosign/ folder, IIS_WPG needs needs everything selected except for "Special Permissions." Be sure to select the option that applies these permissions to the folder contents and sub-folders.

For the \CosignDB\ folder:
Internet Guest Account, IUSR_[machine name]- needs Read and Write selected.

For the \Logs\ folder:
IUSR_[machine name] - Read & execute, list folder contents, Read, Write.

Also, make sure MSXML 4.0 is installed. (The installer placed msxml.msi in your IISCosign folder.)

Finally, don't forget to get your certificate signed by the U-M webmaster.

Cosign does not show up in a service menu because it is not a service. That is, it is not an independently running executable.

--Jarod Malestein

--On Wednesday, February 04, 2004 2:58 PM -0500 Chassy <chassy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm trying to install Cosign for IIS (version 1 RC3), but something seems
to be amiss. It's on Windows 2003 Server / IIS6.

I've gone though the configuration process described in the README, but
the filtering won't work.  The two symptoms I see are:

- I can't find the cosign service in the machine's service menu

- The ISAPI Filters tab in the IIS manager shows the cosign filter, but
  gives its status as 'Not Loaded' and it's Priority as '* Unknown *'.
  This persists after I stop and restart the site.

I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Cosign, and restarting the server,
but have had no luck.  Any ideas would be much appreciated.


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