[an error occurred while processing the directive]
- cosign install on rh linux 9,
Darren Jacobs
- how cosign scales,
Darren Jacobs
- Cosign install problem,
- Re: Restricting access,
Mark Montague
- error -12281,
Sam Noble
- Design question,
Jonathan Maybaum
- COSIGN: note: login form action="/",
kevin mcgowan
- COSIGN: implement cosign cgis as php?,
kevin mcgowan
- A couple of CoSign design and deployment questions,
Brett Lomas
- ISAPI Source Code,
Mark Allen Earnest
- COSIGN: service name policies?,
kevin mcgowan
- Another quick question and possible bug report,
Brett Lomas
- friend functionality,
Darren Jacobs
- IISCosign install, Registry error,
- Kerberos Tickets,
Brett Lomas
- Self signed certificates?,
Raymond W. Lucke IV
- Total cost of Ownership,
Brett Lomas
- Logout functionality for IISCosign,
- Development,
Brett Lomas
- runtime requirements for IISCosign,
Phil Pishioneri
- Excluding a directory from the cosign filter,
- Using UM cerfificate for cosign,
Konstantin Voyk
- Libtool,
Brett Lomas
- Will friend accounts ever expire?,
Lyle Whitney
- logout and cosign.cgi question,
Brett Lomas
- A couple of changes I have made from the CVS source,
Brett Lomas
- Application pooling and cosign filter access sharing violation,
Konstantin Voyk
- CoSign source and configuration changes I have made,
Brett Lomas
- Bug report,
Brett Lomas
- Cosign beginner questions,
Beth Bridson
- Re: Transferring a Session,
Willie Northway
- IISCosign 1.0.0 Installer bug,
- v1.6.0: install error, short array,
Phil Pishioneri
- ISAPI & MIT K5 Tickets,
Mark Allen Earnest
- url for services should be secure?,
Phil Pishioneri
- v1.6.1: krb ticket path length broken in other places,
Phil Pishioneri
- RHEL3 Support?,
Matthew Simmons
- customizing web pages,
Phil Pishioneri
- question,
Brett Lomas
- Cosign Loop Breaking,
johanna bromberg craig
- cosignd and multiple CAs,
Phil Pishioneri
- DELIVERY FAILURE: User 03 (03@tsm.es) not listed in public Name & Address Book,
- Apache 2 and Cosign,
Brentley S.Felton
- php + cosign scalability,
johanna bromberg craig
- duplicate k5 tgt's?,
Phil Pishioneri
- a couple of patches,
Brett Lomas on vxchange
- logout when already logged out,
Phil Pishioneri
- enabling replication,
Phil Pishioneri
- CoSign configuration change idea,
Brett Lomas on vxchange
- Problem with CVS version?,
Brett Lomas on vxchange
- Java Cosign Filter,
John Mitchell
- cosign and MIT Kerberos,
johanna bromberg craig
- Install Shield project file for IIS Cosign,
Brett Lomas on vxchange
- questions on post errors,
Phil Pishioneri
- CosignIIS problems,
Brett Lomas on vxchange
- IISCosign prob,
Brett Lomas on vxchange
- Cosign on a Sub Directory Only,
Beth Bridson
- [no subject],
McHugh, Daniel
- replication,
Graeme Wood
- unknown CA,
Sam Noble
- Accessing secure sites,
Keith Farvis
- FW: [win2000] IISCosign and Windows 2003/IIS 6.0.,
Konstantin Voyk
- audit trail,
- Question about user creating,
- RE:,
Brett Lomas
- RE: RE:,
Brett Lomas
- blocking friend accounts?,
Jim Zajkowski
- load balanced/multiple host web service,
Phil Pishioneri
- Cosign/Shibboleth,
John Maddock
- Java filter - pages not visible?,
- IIS authZ (was Re: Using LDAP for AuthZ with Cosign's AuthN),
Phil Pishioneri
- small updates for apache filter and cgi,
Phil Pishioneri
- CGI problem with expired passwords,
Graeme Wood
- RE: IIS Cosign failure mode - security hole?,
Jarod Malestein
- upcoming features in IIS filter?,
Phil Pishioneri
- cosign and blackboard,
Wright Robert
- Question about service cookie,
- Compilation problem with debian sarge,
Nicolas Bocquet
- IIS filter 1.1.0 RC1 and registry,
Phil Pishioneri
- Cosign Install on IIS6 - Filter not started,
Daniel E. Lehman
- Compilation issues with 1.6.2 and filter/apache2,
Steve Simmons
- Anyone going to CAMP Enterprise Authentication Workshop 2004?,
kevin mcgowan
- access problem,
Goldrick, Jim
- Recall: access problem,
Goldrick, Jim
- file not found error,
Goldrick, Jim
- Expired Kerberos credentials,
Brett Lomas on vxchange
- RE: Cosign IIS Question,
Brett Lomas on vxchange
- Cosign and cyrus imap and IMP,
Brett Lomas on vxchange
- Conditional Authentication Question,
Daniel E. Lehman
- multiple cosign configuration and runtime issues,
Ben Poliakoff
- Re: multiple cosign configuration and runtime issues,
johanna bromberg craig
- Re: multiple cosign configuration and runtime issues,
Ben Poliakoff
- Re: multiple cosign configuration and runtime issues,
kevin mcgowan
- Re: multiple cosign configuration and runtime issues,
Ben Poliakoff
- Cosign login on Mac 10.3.6 Server,
Doug Heady
- Re: Cosign login on Mac 10.3.6 Server,
Wesley D Craig
- Re: Cosign login on Mac 10.3.6 Server,
David Chmura
- Re: Cosign login on Mac 10.3.6 Server,
Doug Heady
- Re: Cosign login on Mac 10.3.6 Server,
Phil Pishioneri
- Re: Cosign login on Mac 10.3.6 Server,
Doug Heady
- Re: Cosign login on Mac 10.3.6 Server,
johanna bromberg craig
- Re: Cosign login on Mac 10.3.6 Server,
Doug Heady
- Cold Fusion and Cosign Variables,
Phil Pishioneri
- RE: file not found error - now unsupported certificate,
Goldrick, Jim
- mod_cosign, mod_authz_ldap and apache2,
Ben Poliakoff
- Java filter and Weblogic,
Brett Lomas
- Re: FW: Apache, Cosign, PHP, Oracle client and PostgreSQL (fwd),
- Webmail and Cosign,
Brett Lomas
- Re: PHP with oracle interaction,
- [Fwd: [Bug libc/671] New: It appears syslog can go into deadlock when it receives a signal where the signal handler also syslogs],
Brett Lomas
- Cosign or IP-based access control,
Jim Zajkowski
- LOOP_PAGE in cgi.c is hard-coded,
Graeme Wood
- Replication Problems,
Brett Lomas
- Cosign and windows apache server,
Steve Simmons
- Invitation to join from Mat,
- Cosign @ uMich and logging out,
Brett Lomas
- Overarchitecting,
Brian Hatch
- /services directory,
David Alexander
- Groups and other variables?,
Brian Hatch
- UMich Webmail and IMAP question,
Brett Lomas
- Cosign Friend Meetings, 3/14 and 3/16,
Jarod Malestein
- REGISTER and a lost login cookie,
Brian Hatch
- errors trying to create/read cookie file,
Phil Pishioneri
- Problems adding the IIS filter,
Brett Lomas
- Bug in IIS Cosign 1.1.1?,
Brett Lomas
- Cosign Filter creates unparsable URL on post,
Brian Hatch
- cosign with multiple kerberos realms,
Ben Poliakoff
- new jcosign service produces error message at authn,
Cory Snavely
- Re: Cosign 1.8.0 Released,
Graeme Wood
- CoSign 1.8.0 Compile Problem,
Wallace, Brian S.
- replication behind load balancer,
David Alexander
- Cosign Re-Authentication Specification,
johanna bromberg craig
- Allowing LDAP *or* Cosign authentication,
Brian Hatch
- Wanted: somewhat complicated cosign configs for apache 1.3.x,
johanna bromberg craig
- IISCosign - Looping problem on Windows 2003,
Elias Asfaw-Kirby
- Very weird errors,
Brett Lomas
- IIS question on authorization,
Goldrick, Jim
- IIS Fitler question,
Brett Lomas
- logout.pl,
Brett Lomas
- Cosign and PS 7.6,
Brett Lomas
- Event Log Question,
Whyte, Michael
- Bug in IIS filter?,
Brett Lomas
- IIS Module and unexpected terminations,
Brett Lomas
- Cosign in production at UoA and thanks,
Brett Lomas
- Cosign, Solaris 9, and Sun CC compiler,
Jeffrey Altman
- CoSign and Microsoft Sharepoint Services,
Daniel E. Lehman
- Cosign Announce: BabyCraig v1.0,
kevin mcgowan
- cosgin & apache on windows,
Martin Campbell
- IIS 6 certificate install problem,
Benson, George
- IIS errors,
Chris Herdt
- Cosign friend xml-rpc server available for testing,
- apache filter version 1.8.5,
Graeme Wood
- IIS 6 fails to start with cosign.dll,
Phil Pishioneri
- Tech Forum #21 -- July 20th [TOMORROW] (fwd),
- Fw: cosign and shibboleth,
- Cookie Deletion in PHP5 on IIS6,
Christopher Lafty
- cosign and LDAP authentication?,
Mark Montague
- Unauthorized transactions on your account,
- Re[1]: talks about their s0ft,
Panchev Bojan
- Viagra - very low price,
Richard K. Lee
- FLH Development,
FLH Development
- New Open Source Single Sign-On System: OpenID,
Kyle Mulka
- Re[8]: discussion about our tabs,
Kristianto Daniel
- 503 service unavailable error,
David Alexander
- Re[3]: Bustamante Shinde Nicson Bozovic,
Huang Angie
Stella Sigcau
- Handholding,
Jonathan Maybaum
- Re[9]: Reeves Mardocini Donchev Ramirez,
Krista Daniszewski
- Where does cosign.conf go?,
Jonathan Maybaum
- Account Suspended,
- Too many redirects,
Jonathan Maybaum
- Next 2 errors...,
Jonathan Maybaum
- Update and Verify Your PayPal account,
- Restore Your Account Access,
- Where does cosign write its log(s)? <EOM>,
Jonathan Maybaum
- Where files are placed,
Jonathan Maybaum
- IISCosign - one physical server more than 1 cosign-service possible?,
Elias Asfaw-Kirby
- RE: IISCosign - one physical server more than 1 cosign-service possible?,
- Credentials cache I/O operation failed XXX,
Jonathan Maybaum
- Has anyone run cosign server on OS X 10.4?,
Jonathan Maybaum
- Qualified OSes ?,
Jonathan Maybaum
- Re[7]: Vanhaute Bakalova Tatarinov Bayer,
Klimatov Pavel
- browser redirection loop,
Kris Steinhoff
- login cgi argument sanity checking,
Graeme Wood
- Cialis - $2.99/dose,
Richard K. Lee
- Qualifications for end of Session,
Whyte, Michael
- PayPal Inc: confirm your details to avoid service cancellation [Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:28:05 -0200],
- BFK Business,
BFK Business
- Fwd: IdP v1.3a, CoSign, and Mozilla/Firefox,
Bill Doster
- Problems retrieving proxy tickets (fwd),
Graeme Wood
- Java Filter source code,
Will Jaynes
- Viagra - wholesale price,
Richard K. Lee
- From Mr. John Trocki.,
Mr. John Trocki
- mod_cosign / mod_authz_ldap behavior,
Kris Steinhoff
- the "back" button on the weblogout page,
Gavin Eadie
- certificate questions,
Will Jaynes
- Restore Your Account Access!,
- status of JavaCosign?,
Will Jaynes
- Good Day.,
Mr.Peter Chang
- Adobe Acrobat 6.0 - very low price,
Jennifer A. Clark
- cosign and kerberos,
Goldrick, Jim
- FREE V_I_A_G_R_A sample,
- Cosign 1.9.0 Released,
johanna bromberg craig
Paypal Inc.
- authenticated rss,
Cory Snavely
- build for 1.9.0,
Goldrick, Jim
- Cosign Multi-factor Authentication Spec,
Wesley Craig
- Re: Cosign Multi-factor Authentication Spec,
Wesley Craig
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Cosign Multi-factor Authentication Spec,
Linderman, Mark
- RE: Cosign Multi-factor Authentication Spec,
Meyer, Seth
- RE: Cosign Multi-factor Authentication Spec,
Carson, Cassandra
- RE: Cosign Multi-factor Authentication Spec,
Drumm, Daniel
- RE: Cosign Multi-factor Authentication Spec,
Meyer, Seth
- FW: Central authentication service survey,
Drumm, Daniel
- Update your Online Banking Records,
Paypal Clients Service
- Your Account lnformation must be updated,
Paypal Clients Service
- flint and dearborn,
Kris Steinhoff
- Cosign and Squid?,
Brian Hatch
- IISCosign v1.1.1 and Windows Server 2003, SP1.,
Shipman, William
- Apache2 filter build problems,
Lennon Day-Reynolds
- Fwd: Re: cosign question,
Amy Lewis
- logout vbscript,
Christopher Lafty
- mod_authz_ldap for CoSign,
Phil Pishioneri
- Candidates for Friend XML-RPC interface?,
- Re: Java filter and kerberos,
- local logout not being run,
Goldrick, Jim
- anonymous user w/ cosign?,
Kevin Worth
Mail converted by MHonArc 2.6.8
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