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Re: Another quick question and possible bug report

On Mar 28, 2004, at 9:17 PM, Brett Lomas wrote:

Also, I think I have found a bug in the CoSign package. If the client isn’t in the /usr/local/etc/cosign.conf mod_cosign gets a return of 1 from cosign_cookie_valid (ie cv = 1) which cause it to fall through to the set_cookie label, which causes an infinite loop (it set the cookie and attempt to access the CGI, and then goes back to the web resource and does it all again J ).

Good call! We've made a change to the daemon and both filters that will more gracefully handle such a configuration error.

I've checked it into CVS and, pending testing here at UMich, will roll it into the next release. If you could also test this that would be great.


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