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RE: IIS authZ (was Re: Using LDAP for AuthZ with Cosign's AuthN)


	I've done some extensive work to integrate IISCosign with Win2003
URL Authorization to provide authZ on static files based on CoSign AuthN.
For further details and some sample code, check here:


David Sweetman, MCSE
Application System Administrator
Michigan Administrative Information Services (MAIS)
University of Michigan

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Pishioneri [mailto:pgp@xxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:11 PM
To: Cosign Discussion
Subject: IIS authZ (was Re: Using LDAP for AuthZ with Cosign's AuthN)

On 8/16/04 5:13 PM, johanna bromberg craig wrote:

>And to that end, the cosign team has gone 
>and appropriated mod_authz_ldap ( http://authzldap.othello.ch/ ) for 
>LDAP group and role authorization.
>Feel free to send questions or comments to cosign-discuss list!

My big question: what's available for IIS that performs a similar 
function (and/or provides something like Apache's require directive)?  
Anyone have sample code/docs?  (This would be for static content, since 
dynamic content can just keep whatever authZ it was using.)

I found a paper which talks about CoSign and IIS authZ, which makes 
reference to the Authorization Manager (URLAuth.dll) in Windows 2003, 
but nothing with specifics.


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