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IIS authZ (was Re: Using LDAP for AuthZ with Cosign's AuthN)

On 8/16/04 5:13 PM, johanna bromberg craig wrote:

And to that end, the cosign team has gone and appropriated mod_authz_ldap ( http://authzldap.othello.ch/ ) for LDAP group and role authorization.
Feel free to send questions or comments to cosign-discuss list!

My big question: what's available for IIS that performs a similar function (and/or provides something like Apache's require directive)? Anyone have sample code/docs? (This would be for static content, since dynamic content can just keep whatever authZ it was using.)

I found a paper which talks about CoSign and IIS authZ, which makes reference to the Authorization Manager (URLAuth.dll) in Windows 2003, but nothing with specifics.


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