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RE: a couple of patches


Can anyone give thoughts on this change I am making? I an altering the
cosignd, monster and the cosign.cgi and logout programs to read the
configuration file for things which are currently specified at compile time,
1. the cosigndb directory
2. the CA dir, cert and key files
3. friend host, user and password etc.

All of these things in my opinion should be defined at run-time, not at
compile time. So what I am doing to having them read the configuration file
to get these values etc. The configuration define (currently used for the
location of the ACL file) will be this configuration file I am talking
about. The configuration file will define the location of the ACL file.

This means the code need not be recompiled if anything like this changes.
The main reason I am doing this is I have created an RPM spec file (so I can
build and RPM of the cosign server). This I will be using to migrate between
our dev/test/prod cosign environments.

The only impact this will have on the way you do this currently is the
configuration define at compile time no longer defines the ACL, but the ACL
file location will be in the config file. I have attached an example
configuration file... which is essentially the defaults from the

Any thoughts?


-----Original Message-----
From: johanna bromberg craig [mailto:canna@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, 29 June 2004 12:49 a.m.
To: Brett Lomas on vxchange
Cc: 'Cosign Discussion'
Subject: Re: a couple of patches

Thanks, Brett. I made the apache 2 change, and am holding the 
login_error bit, as I haven't fully finished integrating all the 
defines bits due to the complications and deep proliferation of that 
suite of changes throughout the source. I should have that done by the 
next release, though.

Thanks again,

On Jun 24, 2004, at 11:14 PM, Brett Lomas on vxchange wrote:

> Hi Jo, and others.
> A couple of bug I have noticed. The --enable-apache2=path ignores the 
> path specified. I have altered the aclocal.m4 to handle the path 
> specified and check it.
> Also the html/login_error.m4 doesn't include the defines.m4 to get the 
> login URL correctly - this is may fault J.
> Thanks
> Brett
>  !DSPAM:40db992f280631883129336! 
> <login_error.m4.patch><aclocal.m4.patch>

Attachment: cosign.conf
Description: Binary data

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