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Re: Problems adding the IIS filter

Windows 2000 or 2003?

This tool might be useful:

Some extra status and error messages can be seen.

Before trying it, remove the filter, restart IIS. The add the filter per usual.

If you don't see at least a "Starting Cosign Filter version *blah*" message, something is horribly amiss. If you see a few messages about starting up or whatnot, please send them my way. This may not work since the filter doesn't usually try to load in Win2k3 until it's needed.
That is, somebody attempts to access a web page, but since you're freezing it's possible IIS is trying to load the filter before then.

|   Jarod Malestein   |


On Thu, 10 Mar 2005, Brett Lomas wrote:

Hi all,

anyone else hav problems adding either the 1.1.1 or the 1.2.0b filter to
IIS? When I add the ISAPI filter and click OK or apply, the console just
freezes and sits there forever.

Any clues?



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