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Re: Using UM cerfificate for cosign
(This response is assuming you're still working with IISCosign, yes?) If
you already have a UM-signed certificate all you need to do is change some
settings in your cosign.dll.config file.
<CAFilePath> should still point to umwebCA.pem.
<ChainFilePath> should indicate the folder where your certificate, *.cert
file, is.
<PrivateKeyFilePath> points to the location of the private key file.
Restart IIS and the new settings will be recognized by IISCosign.
--Jarod Malestein
--University of Michigan
--On Monday, April 19, 2004 10:45 AM -0400 Konstantin Voyk
<kvoyk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Everybody,
I have UM client/server certificate and would like use it for cosign.
Could somebody explain me how can I do it or point me to a right source?
Thank you,
Konstantin Voyk
(734) 615-3816
Infotech, Law School
University of Michigan
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