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Re: IIS6 Cosign installer

Were you upgrading from a previous version of IISCosign or were you installing on a machine that did not have an earlier version of IISCosign?

The files that should be created by the installer, assuming you go through the automatic cert creation, are a certificate signing request (*.csr) and a private key (*.key).


--On Wednesday, October 06, 2004 7:48 AM -0400 Konstantin Voyk <kvoyk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi everybody,
I downloaded and ran new installer IISCosignInstaller 1.1.0 RC1. I passed
installation    and creation certificate request part but didn't find any
.cer file in IISCosing folders. Is it bug there in installation package
or I did something wrong?
Thank you,
Konstantin Voyk.

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