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RE: authenticated rss

KX509 would be an interesting solution to this.


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And on the 8th day God said, "Ok Murphy, you take over."
-----Original Message-----
From: Cory Snavely [mailto:csnavely@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 2:48 PM
To: cosign-discuss Discussion
Subject: authenticated rss

We're starting to see more applications in the library for RSS, and the
topic has come up about authenticating for RSS feeds that carry
non-public information.

Obviously we would envision this relating to other authentication
strategies, particularly CoSign, but this (RSS) seems really limited by
tools at this stage. A few can do HTTP Basic Authentication over SSL.
Woo. One nice solution from my perspective would be an RSS reader that
can piggyback on browser cookies, but I haven't heard of any such thing.

It's a little like when we were waiting for good cookie support across
the board...oh boy, Netscape 3 (or whatever). Remember that?

Given the state of the technology, we'd be really interested in hearing
what other folks doing or thinking about authentication for RSS.

Cory Snavely
UM Library IT Core Services

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