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COSIGN: implement cosign cgis as php?
cosign.cgi (responsible for LOGIN, CHECK, & REGISTER) and logout
(responsible for, you guessed it, LOGOUT) are both CGIs written in C.
These work well and perform fine on our servers under all but the
heaviest loads.
What would you think about rewriting these CGIs in PHP -- strictly for
enhanced performance/load resilience? Would a dependency on PHP on the
weblogin server be a deal breaker for anyone considering the use of
Cosign? Would it make installation of the weblogin server too
complicated? Is there anyone for whom this change would be a great
positive? Note that we're not considering doing it anytime soon -- I'm
just trying to gather opinions. Would mod_fastcgi support be more or
less appealing than using PHP? mod_perl? rewriting the CGIs as an
Apache module?
I should note for completeness that PHP is already required by
'friend.' Anyone using the friend guest account functionality is
likely to have to install PHP anyway. What I'm asking about is this
idea of requiring PHP for the core functionality.
... "In, as you say, the mud." ...