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Re: Cosign Multi-factor Authentication Spec

On 11 Oct 2005, at 16:39, Drumm, Daniel wrote:
Seth mentioned the futility of passing a "OTP=BOGUS" name/value pair
back in the query string from weblogin. It informs the referring filter
that the OTP validation wasn't "real", but there is no way of informing
any further websites of that fact.

There seems to be some confusion, here.

Nothing like OTP=BOGUS is passed on any query string. A protected application might pass "factors=OTP" on the query string. The UI would present OTP as a requirement. The PAM implementation in the spec is sensitive to the return value "user_unknown", and appends some string ("-junk" in the example in the spec) to the factor. The browser would then be redirected back to whatever URL the application gave as "referring-url".

Back in the application, the filter gets back from the server which factors, if any, have succeeded. One such factor might be "OTP- junk". The filter may have the option "CosignIgnoreFactorSuffix" set to "-junk", in which case "OTP-junk" and "OTP" would seem to be equivalent to the filter. If "CosignIgnoreFactorSuffix" wasn't set, the filter is able to count "OTP-junk" and "OTP" as different.


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