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Re: cosgin & apache on windows

we've had a few people ask about building cosign on Windows, but I don't believe anyone has ever successfully done it. Perhaps Cygwin would make it more manageable?

One issue will certainly be mod_cosign's direct manipulation of filesystem objects (e.g. for the local session cache). The libsnet code has already been ported (by Jarod Malestein) to Windows so that shouldn't be a big problem.


On Jul 7, 2005, at 7:23 AM, Martin Campbell wrote:

Has anyone had a shot at building cosign with a win32 based apache? I've
tried the quick n' dirty solution of compiling up the module on a unix
system & dropping it in, to which apache objects with the generic
windows error 'not a valid win32 applcaition'.

I was going to try compiling cosign from source but i think that the
--enable-apache* switches use apxs to locate apache & build the .so
modules, apxs isn't distributed by apache on win32 ... not sure if i can
get it by compiling from source though.

any help or advice appreciated!



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