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Re: Cosign login on Mac 10.3.6 Server

I haven't upgraded ours to 10.3.6 yet... I am very interested in hearing what sorts of problems you are experiencing though. We ran into to "nuance" kind of problems with the way OS X Server differs from other Linux/UNIX flavors. Work arounds are possible though. (I have it working on 10.3.5).
On Nov 13, 2004, at 12:00 PM, Wesley D Craig wrote:

What sort of errors are you getting? Others have built cosign on Mac OS X Server, probably not 10.3.6 specifically, tho.


On 11 Nov 2004, at 22:30, Doug Heady wrote:
I've gone through the documentation and have attempted some builds on a test server. I haven't had success getting the ./configure to run without errors.

David Chmura, MSI dschmura@xxxxxxxxx
Macintosh Aficionado | School of Information Computing
| University of Michigan, 400 West Hall
| 550 East University Avenue,
Phone: (734) 615-9268 | Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1092

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