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Re: IISCosign - one physical server more than 1 cosign-service possible?

Yes, this is possible. You'll need to do two things. First, apply the IISCosign at the "web sites" level in IIS Manager (rather than to each site individually). Second, add a new <Service /> tag for each web site that will be Cosign-protected. Restart IIS for the new settings to take effect.


Quoting Elias Asfaw-Kirby <eliasak@xxxxxxxxx>:

Is it possible to have more than one cosign service running off one physical server using IIS Cosign. (OS ­ Windows Server 2003)

Currently hosting website  ws1.umich.edu on iisserver.umich.edu and cosign
works great.
Is it possible to host host ws2.umich.edu on iisserver.umich.edu and use
cosign there also.

Thanks Team,
Elias Asfaw-Kirby | 734-615-6490
Web Developer     | eliasak@xxxxxxxxx

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