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RE: IISCosign - one physical server more than 1 cosign-service possible?

Title: IISCosign - one physical server more than 1 cosign-service possible?
Yes.  Just put each site into the config file:
<Service IISDescription="ws1">cosign-impact
<Service IISDescription="ws2">cosign-impact
Make sure you use the correct IISDescription for each. ( Do NOT use the syntax for the DNS entry - it's easily spoofed. <Service forget_exact_syntax="ws1.umich.edu"> )
Also, make sure you're using a fairly recent version of IIS Cosign. Early versions crapped out in W2k3 when you tried to host two sites.  This was fixed sometime last spring(?).

Paul Townsend
Systems Analyst
Ross School of Business at the Univ. of Mich.

From: Elias Asfaw-Kirby [mailto:eliasak@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 1:28 PM
To: cosign-discuss@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: IISCosign - one physical server more than 1 cosign-service possible?

 Is it possible to have more than one cosign service running off one physical server using IIS Cosign.
(OS – Windows Server 2003)

 Currently hosting website  ws1.umich.edu on iisserver.umich.edu and cosign works great.
Is it possible to host host ws2.umich.edu on iisserver.umich.edu and use cosign there also.

Thanks Team,
Elias Asfaw-Kirby | 734-615-6490
Web Developer     | eliasak@xxxxxxxxx

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