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RE: CoSign source and configuration changes I have made
Hi Kevin,
cool, I am glad you like them :)
The reason for the cosign/cosign.cgi (and of course cosign/cgi-ssl/logout)
is like you say the development/test environments. I am happy for the
configure and installation to be changed to install directly into the web
root by default (for production)... and perhaps have a --enable-development
which would install the web resources into a cosign directory under the web
root. What do you think about that?
Also I like the changes made to the Cosign login page... awesome... :)
Brett Lomas
Integration Architect
Information Technology Systems and Services
The University of Auckland
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 3737 599 extn 86499
Mobile: +64 21 757 096
-----Original Message-----
From: kevin mcgowan [mailto:clunis@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, 29 April 2004 2:42 p.m.
To: Brett Lomas
Cc: cosign-discuss@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: CoSign source and configuration changes I have made
These are fantastic and timely (as we're wrapping things up now for the
1.6 release and should be able to include your changes). I love the
defines.m4 and related changes. I've been meaning to do something like
that for some time now.
The only question I have is about the DOCROOT/cosign/ change. Do you
intend that the recommended installation of cosign would create a
weblogin server with a URL like this:
https://cosignserver.school.edu/cosign/cosign.cgi or
rather than:
Surely this is maximally flexible, but I'm not sure it is the most
advisable approach. Perhaps we could devise a way to make this
optional? Thus making it easy to, for example, test cosign on an
otherwise active web server but deploy cosign on a dedicated web
server. I'm not sure how to make this user-understandable, maybe an
optional cosign html location that would be appended to the end of
DOCROOT/html/ and inserted into the actions of forms, into
On Apr 28, 2004, at 3:10 AM, Brett Lomas wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have made the changes (and attached patches for them ? diff taken
> against the current head on the UM CVS server) details below. I am
> asking they be considered for inclusion, after discussion into the CVS
> source. Most of the changes have no impact on the way CoSign works or
> is configured as a default, they just add options etc.
> The exceptions are I have change the cgi Makefile to install to the
> web document base in a cosign directory: ie ${DOCROOTDIR}/cosign and I
> have changed the template and HTML directory to
> ${cosigndocroot}/cosign/templates and ${cosigndocroot}/cosign/html
> respectively. I have done this to make the cosign install into is own
> directory on the web server so that something else, if required can
> live on the web server also.
> Attatched is a list of the changes made:
> configure.ac
> 1. Added ?with-ticketcache=DIR to allow a user to configure the
> ticket cache location, defaults to /ticket
> 2. Added ?with-cosignloginurl=URL to configure the redirection
> to the cosign login processes, defaults to /
> 3. Added ?with-webdocroot=DIR to configure the location of the
> web servers document root for the cosign server installation
> 4. Added html/defines.m4 to the output files
> Makefile.in
> 1. Added html/defines.m4 to the distclean action
> cgi/Makefile.in
> 1. Remove prefix,exec-prefix,SBINDIR
> 2. Replaced CGIDIR, DOCROOTDIR with configured vaules from
> autoconf
> 3. Added TEMPLATEDIR and COSIGNTICKETCACHE with values from
> autoconf and dervived
> 4. Added define for _TEMPLATE_DIR to cgi.o and logout.o actions.
> 5. Added define for _COSIGN_TICKET_CACHE to cgi.o action.
> 6. commented out the ?mkdir ?p ${exec_prefix} and changed ?mkdir
> ?p ${DOCROOTDIR} to ${DOCROOTDIR}/cosign in install action
> cgi/cgi.c
> 1. Changed ?../templates? in the HTML defines to _TEMPLATE_DIR
> 2. Change the SERVICE_MENU define from /services/ to
> /cosign/html/services/
> 3. Changed TKT_PREFIX from ?/ticket? to _COSIGN_TICKET_CACHE
> (defined by configure)
> cgi/logout.c
> 1. Changed ?../tempates? in the HTML defines to _TEMPLATE_DIR
> html/Makefile.in
> 1. Removed prefix and exec_prefix.
> 2. Added cosigndocroot set by configure
> 3. Changed TMPLDIR and HTMLDIR to
> ${cosigndocroot}/cosign/templates nd ${cosigndocroot}/cosign/html resp
> 4. Changed the install action to install to these locations etc.
> html/login.m4
> 1. Added include for defines.m4
> 2. Changed form action from ?/? to ?LOGIN_URL? (from defines.m4)
> html/verify-logout.m4
> 1. Added include for defines.m4
> 2. changed form action from ?/cgi-bin/logout? to ?LOGOUT_URL
> (from defines.m4)
> daemon/Makefile.in
> 1. Added COSIGNTICKETCACHE from configure
> 2. Changed DEFS to include define for _COSIGN_TICKET_CACHE
> daemon/command.c
> 1. Changed TKT_PREFIX from ?/ticket? to _COSIGN_TICKET_CACHE
> I have created html/defines.m4.in which is an input file for
> defines.m4, which is included by login.m4 and verify-logout.m4 to use
> the configured login and logout locations etc.
> <<...>>
> ------------
> Brett Lomas
> Integration Architect
> Information Technology Systems and Services
> The University of Auckland
> New Zealand
> Phone: +64 9 3737 599 extn 86499
> Mobile: +64 21 757 096
> !DSPAM:408f597e241301790013946! <cosign_patches.tgz>
... "you can't give yourself a nickname." ...