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cosign-discuss at umich.edu
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IISCosign v1.1.1 and Windows Server 2003, SP1.


I'm currently running IISCosign v1.1.1 on Windows Server 2003 -
Enterprise Edition and am looking to upgrade the OS to Service Pack 1
soon.  I'm curious as whether or not anyone else out there has performed
such an installation on a server in a Production environment and if so,
what if any issue(s) have you experienced?

Thanks for any info that you can provide. 


William Shipman, MCP                            University of Michigan
Systems Administrator Senior                    LSA Information
Web/Database Administrator, and CMS Systems
wshipman@xxxxxxxxx                              SST - Windows Team
Phone: 734.763.5577                           	Fax: 734.647.8333

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