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Re: browser redirection loop

Hi Kris,

 I had a similar problem on Windows 2003. Try the following suggestions
that worked for me:


and my reply
 Alright - that worked!

 I really appreciate the help.

 The openssl command returned a good answer, meaning that the certificate
will expire in the future.

 The re/hashing is where the problem was.  I completely overlooked this step
and was heading down the wrong direction with trying to install the um cert
as a trusted ca using windows ca authority.

 After re/hashing the um.pem file and changing the config file - all worked!
(note on windows 2003 - the cosign dll needs to be added as a "Web Service
Extension" and be "allowed" from IIS Manager)



On 8/15/05 9:36 AM, "Kris Steinhoff" <steinhof@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm setting up my OS X Server (10.4.2) as a web server with cosign,
> and I've come up against a problem.
> When I visit my server I'm am redirected to weblogin.umich.edu, and
> authenticate normally. But after my browser is sent back to my
> server, the browser is redirected back to weblogin, creating a loop.
> With each iteration of the redirection loop, this error is printed to
> my apache error log:
>   mod_cosign: netcheck_cookie: snet_writef failed
> My browser times-out after a few bounces (Firefox prints an error
> about possible cookie writing trouble). My cookie settings aren't that
> strict and I've tried this with three different browsers, so I don't
> think it's a browser problem. Cookies are set in my browser for both
> my server and weblogin.umich.edu.
> Where should I look to fix this? My guess is that it's some where
> towards the end of the process. I'm happy to send along any other
> configuration info.
> thanks
> -kris

Elias Asfaw-Kirby | 734-615-6490
Web Developer     | eliasak@xxxxxxxxx

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