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Re: /services directory


When I protect /services based on your example httpd.conf file, I get a 503 service unavailable error. My guess is that it is caused by a certificate problem. In the CosignCrypto directive, are these certs different than the ones you are using for cosign server itself?

CosignCrypto weblogin.key weblogin.cert /var/cosign/certs/CA

If you login to the weblogin server directly, you are automatically directed to the /services directory. If I choose not to protect this directory, what options are available so the user doesn't see a 403 forbidden error? We don't want the user to be confused if they accidentally take this path.


--On Tuesday, March 01, 2005 5:49 PM -0500 johanna bromberg craig <canna@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

/services does not have to be protected, though we implement it that way
so that we can give a different service menu to those who are "friends"
as opposed to "umich users."

I guess you are running the filter? What do the error logs say?

Attached is an excerpt with the relevant configuration for our weblogin


On Mar 1, 2005, at 5:26 PM, David Alexander wrote:

Can someone explain how I cosign protect the /services directory of a weblogin server? Are you supposed to install the cosign filter on the weblogin server?

Currently, when I login, I am redirected to /services and receive a
403 forbidden error.


David Alexander
Computer Network Services, Ohio University


-- David Alexander Computer Network Services, Ohio University alexandd@xxxxxxxx 740-593-0698

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