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cosign-discuss at umich.edu
general discussion of cosign development and deployment

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RE: A couple of CoSign design and deployment questions

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Brett Lomas wrote:

> Kevin, or some one else @ UMich :)
> Can you tell me the approx. number of EFTS (Effective Full-Time
> Students/Staff) UMich has?

>From the pages linked at http://www.umich.edu/~oapainfo/contents.html

Total students, Fall term, 2003:                 39,031
Total faculty, Fall term, 2003:                   5,330
Total staff, Ann Arbor campus, Fall Term, 2003:  23,044
Grand total:                                     67,405

Note that the University of Michigan Hospitals are separate,
to a degree, from the rest of campus.  The adjusted grand
total excluding hospital staff on the basis that many of them
may not use cosign, is 56,936.

On the other hand, the University of Michigan allows students
to keep their username for life and many alumni, other non-current
students, and guests from other institutions utilize University of
Michigan computing services.  I do not have accurate numbers for
these, but my best guess at an adjusted total for all students,
faculty, staff, and guests is 75,000 - 86,000.

Thus, if you want to be conservative, we're accomodating at least
57,000 users on our cosign servers.  If you want to be liberal, we
might be accomodating 86,000 or more.

                Mark Montague
                LS&A Information Technology
                The University of Michigan

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