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Re: A couple of CoSign design and deployment questions

On Mar 23, 2004, at 8:24 PM, Brett Lomas wrote:

This in itself wouldn't normally be
a problem, but because the cosign and cosign service cookies (for the
daemon) are stored in one directory; this will fill up very quickly.

It would be a fairly trivial change to make the cosign cookies be stored in some set of directories instead of one directory entirely -- say, take the first one or two letters of the cookie to be the first and second directory under ../daemon. Certainly a lot easier than either switching to shm (and all the proper locking that entails) or a database. No matter what Oracle says, databases are still substantially slower than filesystems.


Jim Zajkowski          OpenPGP 0x21135C3
System Administrator  8A9E 1DDF 944D 83C3 AEAB  8F74 8697 A823 2113 5C53
UM Life Sciences Institute

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