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Re: small updates for apache filter and cgi

We've deployed a version locally that catches the error and then prints a location header to a "looping.html" file on the local server. This has the side benefit of giving the server administrator both the full flexibility of writing the page however they like (including using PHP or SSI or whatever to give custom errors) in addition to providing a nice log of how many people are getting the error and what their referer(sic) was.

Does this sound like it does what you're describing, Michael?


On Aug 20, 2004, at 1:21 AM, Michael Skora wrote:

Could we make it a little more informative while we're at it? Maybe give the public an idea of why it might have happened and what step they should try next? (Try on a different computer, or again later.)


Phil Pishioneri wrote:

First, for cgi.c, make a message a little more palatable for the public:

*** cgi.c.DIST  Tue Jul  6 12:25:09 2004
--- cgi.c       Wed Aug 11 11:47:35 2004
*** 96,102 ****
                exit( 0 );
            title = "Error: Loop detected";
!           err = "We have detected you are looping. That sucks. ";
            subfile( tmpl );
            exit( 0 );
        } else {
--- 96,102 ----
                exit( 0 );
            title = "Error: Loop detected";
!           err = "We have detected looping between sites.";
            subfile( tmpl );
            exit( 0 );
        } else {

Second, for apache filter (only have v1 update):

*** Makefile.in.DIST    Fri Jul 30 15:58:56 2004
--- Makefile.in Wed Aug 11 12:21:18 2004
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,55 ----
  reload: install restart
   #   the general Apache start/restart/stop procedures
+ startssl:
+       $(APACHECTL) startssl
        $(APACHECTL) start



... "you can't give yourself a nickname." ...

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