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Fwd: IdP v1.3a, CoSign, and Mozilla/Firefox

Not sure why he didn't post this to cosign-discuss (or perhaps I missed it?),
but canyone here help him?  sounds like something I've heard others
mentioning around UM....

----- Forwarded message from max@xxxxxxx -----
    Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 17:07:00 -0400 (EDT)
    From: "Mark K. Miller" <max@xxxxxxx>
Reply-To: shibboleth-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Subject: IdP v1.3a, CoSign, and Mozilla/Firefox
      To: shibboleth-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ok, I don't have a whole lot to go on yet, but has anyone seen issues with
the Mozilla or Firefox browsers accessing shib v1.3a and CoSign filter 1.8.5.

Other browsers (IE, Safari, Opera) seem to be fine.  It appears that with
Mozilla and Firefox the REMOTE_USER environment variable doesn't always
get set.  However, sometimes it seems to loop "a lot" and then set the
REMOTE_USER environment variable.  Also, its worth noting that other
CoSign protected applications will work with these same Mozilla and
Firefox sessions.

Actually, I'd rather know if someone knows how to "fix" this!

Here's what we're seeing in our shib-error.log:

2005-08-22 17:02:11,475 DEBUG [IdP] -305337799                          -
Name Identifier format: (urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier).
2005-08-22 17:02:11,476 DEBUG [IdP] -305337799                          -
The Name Mapping Cache does not contain an entry for this Attribute Query
2005-08-22 17:02:11,476 ERROR [IdP] -305337799                          -
Couldnot associate the request's subject with a principal:
hibboleth.common.InvalidNameIdentifierException: The Name Mapping Cache
does not contain an entry for this Attribute Query Handle.
2005-08-22 17:02:11,476 ERROR [IdP] -305337799                          -
Error while processing request: org.opensaml.SAMLException: The supplied
Subject was unrecognized.

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