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Re: CoSign and Microsoft Sharepoint Services

Hello Daniel,

 I am not familiar with the Sharepoint AAA, but if it uses the
ASP.NET standard cookie based authentication, I have written some code
that works with CoSign (Authentication only). We use it for Authentication
with our asp.net based IntraNet.


On 6/14/05 5:01 PM, "Daniel E. Lehman" <del3@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> This may be the wrong place to ask, but has anyone found a way to use
> CoSign for protection of Microsoft Sharepoint Services?  I reckon I
> could have CoSign simply protect my virtual servers for Sharepoint, but
> what I would really like is to have CoSign act as an authentication
> mechanism and then have the userid available for authorization within
> Sharepoint.  Any thoughts would be appreciated...
> -Dan
> ===================================
> Daniel E. Lehman
> Facilities and Network Coordinator
> Penn State Materials Research Institute
> 195 MRI Building
> Innovation Park
> University Park PA 16802
> 814-865-1516
> del3@xxxxxxx
> http://www.mri.psu.edu
> ===================================

Elias Asfaw-Kirby | 734-615-6490
Web Developer     | eliasak@xxxxxxxxx

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