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Re: replication

On 29 Jul 2004, at 21:11, Wesley D Craig wrote:

On 29 Jul 2004, at 06:14, Graeme Wood wrote:
I've solved the problem. It was to do with permissions. The cosign daemon
runs as user cosign and the web server was running as nobody. The ticket
and cookie files created by the web filter weren't accessible by cosignd
and so it would die. I've now changed the web server to run as cosign and
all seems to be working.

Hm. That doesn't sound right. We run apache & cosignd as different users. cosignd never reads data from the filter/apache. cosignd only gets data from cosign.cgi and other cosignd's. The filter/apache gets data only from cosignd.


Well the ticket files seem to end up being owned by the owner of apache and cosignd can then not
read them when it attempts to transfer them and then dies.


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Graeme Wood Email: Graeme.Wood@xxxxxxxx
Unix Systems Support Phone: +44 131 650 5003
The University of Edinburgh Fax: +44 131 650 6552
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