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Re: IIS filter 1.1.0 RC1 and registry


Thanks for pointing this out. The second registry entry you have listed is the correct one.


--On Wednesday, September 29, 2004 5:18 PM -0400 Phil Pishioneri <pgp@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Apparently the RC1 installation creates twin registry paths under

    * University of Michigan - ITCS\IISCosign\1.1.0Release Candidate 1
      build 33
          o ConfigPath
    * University of Michigan\ITCS\Cosign
          o ConfigFile

Does the filter use one of those to find the config file, or do we need
to add a ConfigFile key under the first one (like version 1.0)?  (I don't
have a system available for trying myself, and am debugging a remote


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