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RE: Excluding a directory from the cosign filter

I think you can have unprotected directories in your web server if you will
do one of following:
- project your projected directories directory by directory (and do not
project whole web site)
- rearrange your directory structure and put all your projected sites into
protected directory. Then your config file will looks like this
- put all your projected directories in another web site and project whole
web site as you do now

Konstantin Voyk
Infotech, Law School

-----Original Message-----
From: jarod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:jarod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of jarod@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 8:03 PM
To: Chassy; cosign-discuss@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Excluding a directory from the cosign filter


IISCosign does not offer that functionality.  By default, whatever 
directory is specified as <Protected> will apply to all subdirectories. 
This cannot be overridden.

> As a related question, if I am able to exclude a specific directory form
> cosign protection, will the cosign-related CGI environment variables still
> be available if someone has previously logged in?

As a related answer :) if somebody is logged in via cosign and they access 
an unprotected directory, at least on IISCosign, their login information 
will not be available.

--Jarod Malestein
--University of Michigan

--On Monday, April 12, 2004 7:18 PM -0400 Chassy <chassy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I currently have Cosign configured to protect an entire directory.  In the
> services section of my cosign.dll.config file, I have a single entry:
>   <Protected>/</Protected>
> Is there a way to exclude a subdirectory, something like:
>   <Protected>/</Protected>
>   <NotProtected>/facultyHandbook/</NotProtected>
> I'm running IIS6 on a Win2K3 server.
> My purpose for asking is that I want to make one section of our intranet
> publicly accessible.  I could make it available to people with friend
> accounts, but that creates a fairly significant barrier to someone needing
> the information immediately.
> As a related question, if I am able to exclude a specific directory form
> cosign protection, will the cosign-related CGI environment variables still
> be available if someone has previously logged in?
> Thanks,
> Chassy

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