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Re: flint and dearborn

Dan Lannom and Angela Hall Responded to me off list.

The basic story is that at Dearborn all students and almost all faculty and staff have uniqnames, however many don't know their Kerberos passwords (since they mainly use their Dearborn passwords). I'm not sure about the situation at Flint.

The way I understand it, not all Flint and Dearborn folks have the info they need to use the U-M cosign service.

(Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about any of this.)


On Nov 2, 2005, at 12:37 PM, Wesley Craig wrote:

On 18 Oct 2005, at 16:19, Kris Steinhoff wrote:
Do people on the Flint and Dearborn campuses have uniqnames and passwords that will work with the umich Cosign set up?

My understanding is: Dearborn, yes; Flint, maybe. I happen to know that there's a senior Dearborn admin on the list, who can correct me if I'm wrong. Last I knew, people at Flint could have IDs on request, but there was no effort to ensure that everyone had one.


-- Kris Steinhoff University of Michigan Health Service Information Technology Services

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