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Re: Question about service cookie

On 16 Sep 2004, at 7:15, ~{3B?u~} wrote:

hi all,
I have installed the weblogin server on the host "dev.trust.com",
and deployed the cosign filter on the web server--"cosign.trust.com" which
need to be protected with cosign.
When I logged in the cosign.trust.com, as I had thought, my request was
redirected to the weblogin server--dev.trust.com, and the login form with the
hint "Authentication Required. You have not yet logged-in" was displayed.
Then I entered one user name and password and pressed the login button, but
it returned "Error: Cookies Required.This service requires that cookies be
enabled." But my cookie had been enabled.
In the log file, there is :
" - - [14/Sep/2004:00:55:51 +0800] "GET /?cosign- cosign@xxxxxxxxx=zhL9Tbs2UiFQdqCV5HNHzh24QC+3s4fAJ+q53t6jdNm5ShyQE7+pXv lJiSYMiu5X5cikHRoQd79NzBLDny1Dr8BdEzT6YSueGYXzqeFW4-ry70ij4Gwa4d0- Uq85;&https://cosign.trust.com:80/ HTTP/1.1" 200 4285 - - [14/Sep/2004:00:55:57 +0800] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 1455"
What's wrong? And who can give me some advice?

That error means that your web browser did not accept the cookie and you were redirected back
to the login page again.


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Graeme Wood Email: Graeme.Wood@xxxxxxxx
Unix Systems Support Phone: +44 131 650 5003
The University of Edinburgh Fax: +44 131 650 6552
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