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RE: Cosign IIS Question

Jarod, or Mark (or anyone else for that fact),

Can you guys direct me to where I can find the CosignMsh.h source? I am
trying to compile the IIS Filter and I cannot find this anywhere yet.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Earnest [mailto:mxe20@xxxxxxx] 
Sent: Saturday, 6 November 2004 11:57 a.m.
To: Jarod Malestein
Cc: Brett Lomas on vxchange; 'cosign@xxxxxxxxx'
Subject: Re: Cosign IIS Question

Eh, it probably needs some cleanup but it works. I'll sent it to you 
guys early next week. Basically there are two new options in the config 
file, a new directory (tickets) to put in the cosign install directory, 
and a requirement for MIT's Windows Kerberos dlls. Just note that this 
is not MS Kerb, and I have not tested this for anything other than 
converting the tickets to DCE credentials.

Mark Earnest
Lead Systems Programmer
Emerging Technologies
The Pennsylvania State University

On Nov 5, 2004, at 3:28 PM, Jarod Malestein wrote:

> Mark Earnest at Penn State has already done this!
> Mark, is the code in a shareable state?  Adding in the ability to 
> request K5 tickets to IISCosign is something we'd be more than happy 
> to add to the standard distribution.  If the code is not ready, if you 
> could share your efforts with Brett Lomas I'm sure he'd greatly 
> appreciate it.  Thank you.
> --Jarod Malestein
> --IT Central Services
> --University of Michigan
> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:22 AM -0400
> From: Mark Allen Earnest <mxe20@xxxxxxx>
> To: Cosign Discussion <cosign-discuss@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: ISAPI & MIT K5 Tickets
> Hash: SHA1
> Two of us at PSU have modified the ISAPI to request MIT K5 tickets 
> (like
> mod_cosign does) for an application we run that requires this. If 
> anyone
> is interested we can post a patch (once it is cleaned up) for this.
> Mark Earnest
> Lead Systems Programmer
> Emerging Technologies
> The Pennsylvania State University
> Public Key - http://www.personal.psu.edu/mxe20/gpgkey.txt
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
> BzvL98T77ukQl4byM1QVnlg=
> =tnJB
> ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------
> --On Friday, November 05, 2004 2:08 PM +1300 Brett Lomas on vxchange 
> <blom001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hey Jarod and others,
>> We have an urgent need to have the IIS cosign module to return the
>> Kerberos tickets. This is something I am willing to do, and I will 
>> start,
>> but if this is something you are planning to doing in the near future
>> then I will stop. Can you give me an indication to this effect?
>> Thanks
>> Brett

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