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RE: logout and cosign.cgi question


I think the cgi-bin/logout with script alias works well, but I am just
thinking from an installation point of view.

I would like to see CoSign much easier is intall, and this what I am trying
to for the UoA as a first step to putting CoSign into production here. So
from my point of view, the least amount of changes needed to the httpd.cond
and ssl.conf etc etc would be the best, as long as it is (of course) reason
to have this. Although I am looking at perhaps writing something so the make
process and alter the httpd.conf etc appropriately for the basic
configurations and then is can be tweaked if needed. Thoughts?

I am also in the process of making the configure script a little more
consistent (eg --enable-apache2 and --with-apache-apxs) and configurable
based on the prefix etc...

I am also thinking of bringing the IISCosign source in the filters directory
and alter the common code (in the common directory and libsnet) to compile
on both win32 and linux. I think this makes for a cleaner development

What are your thoughts?

Please do not take my suggestions as criticism :) These are things I want to
do and I would like my work to useful to the wider community also, so
suggestions would be good :)



Brett Lomas
Integration Architect
Information Technology Systems and Services
The University of Auckland
New Zealand

Phone:		+64 9 3737 599 extn 86499
Mobile:		+64 21 757 096

-----Original Message-----
From: kevin mcgowan [mailto:clunis@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, 22 April 2004 2:22 p.m.
To: Brett Lomas
Cc: 'Cosign Discussion'
Subject: Re: logout and cosign.cgi question

We install logout in a cgi-bin directory using a ScriptAlias -- so it 
doesn't need an extension.  We install the login cgi in DocumentRoot 
with ExecCGI turned on -- so we use the .cgi extension there.  Lot's of 
our users already knew that appending "/cgi-bin/logout" to the end of a 
url would cause logout to happen, so we wanted to preserve that 

There's not much more to it than that.  Do you think it would make more 
sense to move the logout cgi into DocumentRoot/logout/index.cgi or 
similar?  So a ScriptAlias isn't needed?


On Apr 21, 2004, at 9:15 PM, Brett Lomas wrote:

> Hi all,
> just a simple question, why was logout not called logout.cgi, is it 
> because you have them in the same directory ( ie / ) on the web server 
> and you have specified .cgi as a directory index and it will get 
> confused? If so why not use /logout with the logout.cgi in there??
> Cheers
> Brett
> ------------
> Brett Lomas
> Integration Architect
> Information Technology Systems and Services
> The University of Auckland
> New Zealand
> Phone:          +64 9 3737 599 extn 86499
> Mobile:         +64 21 757 096
>  !DSPAM:40871d16257302389411967!

                   ... being a rock I am without movement ...

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