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Re: A couple of changes I have made from the CVS source

Strange... These problems should all be fixed. You were building CVS head and it had these problems? The profiled thing is a fairly old bug that should definitely be fixed in releases after 1.1.0. I just checked out cosign from CVS and it checked out properly for me (and builds properly).

We had branched for a short time so we could continue to do updates on 1.0.0 while replication was being written. Perhaps pserver has somehow given you the head of the cosign-1-0-0-patches branch? Does the version of the code you're working with include, for example, daemon/monster.c?

Did you have any of these problems building the released 1.5.1 tarball?


On Apr 21, 2004, at 9:10 PM, Brett Lomas wrote:

Hi all,

During my UoA customisations I have had to make the following changes to the source from CVS (I got it on 21/04/04) that I thought you might want to know:

* created libsnet/profiled directory - make failed when it didn't exist.

* added include for sys/params.h in filters/apache/connect.c for MAXPATHLEN

* added libcgi/profiled directory – make failed when it didn’t exist.

I am not sure what the profiled is for… as the Makefile seems to suggest they are exactly the same as the un-profiled??




Brett Lomas

Integration Architect

Information Technology Systems and Services

The University of Auckland

New Zealand

Phone:          +64 9 3737 599 extn 86499

Mobile:         +64 21 757 096


... being a rock I am without movement ...

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