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Re: friend functionality
On Mar 29, 2004, at 10:30 AM, Darren Jacobs wrote:
what exactly does the friend functionality of Cosign give you?
To quote from the website:
"The cosign 'friend' system allows non umich users to authenticate
using self-created, centrally-administered guest accounts."
Essentially, one can create a guest account (based on an email address)
for people who don't have a umich account. This allows them the ability
to work with certain friend-enabled cosign protected sites. However,
the authenticity of this identity should not be highly trusted.
One such scenario might be to allow a visiting professor to participate
in a web-based discussion forum, however they wouldn't be able to use
the web-based email tool.
- Willie
Willie Northway University of Michigan Webmaster Team
http://willienorthway.com/ http://www.umich.edu/~umweb/
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