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Re: A couple of changes I have made from the CVS source

ah yes, that's it. I never use the '-d dir' option so I wasn't aware of this behavior. If you don't use "-d" then the default behavior is to leave empty directories unmolested and prune them only if the -P option is given.

so how do folks feel about subversion? ;)


On Apr 21, 2004, at 11:21 PM, Brett Lomas wrote:

Just had a tought...

doesn't CVS prune out folders with nothing in them?? You need to use cvs co
-N (surpresses the collapsing of empty directories) according to CVS :)


Brett Lomas
Integration Architect
Information Technology Systems and Services
The University of Auckland
New Zealand

Phone:		+64 9 3737 599 extn 86499
Mobile:		+64 21 757 096

-----Original Message----- From: kevin mcgowan [mailto:clunis@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Thursday, 22 April 2004 3:13 p.m. To: Brett Lomas Cc: 'Cosign Discussion' Subject: Re: A couple of changes I have made from the CVS source

Strange... These problems should all be fixed.  You were building CVS
head and it had these problems?  The profiled thing is a fairly old bug
that should definitely be fixed in releases after 1.1.0.  I just
checked out cosign from CVS and it checked out properly for me (and
builds properly).

We had branched for a short time so we could continue to do updates on
1.0.0 while replication was being written.  Perhaps pserver has somehow
given you the head of the cosign-1-0-0-patches branch?  Does the
version of the code you're working with include, for example,

Did you have any of these problems building the released 1.5.1 tarball?


On Apr 21, 2004, at 9:10 PM, Brett Lomas wrote:

Hi all,

During my UoA customisations I have had to make the following changes
to the source from CVS (I got it on 21/04/04) that I thought you might
want to know:

* created libsnet/profiled directory - make failed when it didn't

* added include for sys/params.h in filters/apache/connect.c for

* added libcgi/profiled directory – make failed when it didn’t exist.

I am not sure what the profiled is for… as the Makefile seems to
suggest they are exactly the same as the un-profiled??




Brett Lomas

Integration Architect

Information Technology Systems and Services

The University of Auckland

New Zealand

Phone:          +64 9 3737 599 extn 86499

Mobile:         +64 21 757 096

... being a rock I am without movement ...


... "In, as you say, the mud." ...

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