cd common; make all
Target "all" is up to date.
cd libsnet; make all
Target "all" is up to date.
cd filters/apache; make all
Target "all" is up to date.
cd libcgi; make all
Target "all" is up to date.
cd cgi; make all
Target "all" is up to date.
cd html; make all
Target "all" is up to date.
cd daemon; make all
Target "all" is up to date.
for i in cgi html daemon filters/apache; do (cd $i; make
install); done
mkdir -p /webaccess
mkdir -p /webaccess/html
if [ x != x ]; then .././install-sh -c -m 0755 -c
/webaccess/html/; fi
if [ x != xcosign.cgi ]; then .././install-sh -c -m 0755 -c
cosign.cgi /webaccess/html/; mkdir -p /webaccess/cgi-ssl;
.././install-sh -c -m 0755 -c logout /webaccess/cgi-ssl/; fi
mkdir -p /webaccess
mkdir -p /webaccess/templates
for i in error.html login.html login_error.html redirect.html
verify-logout.html post_error.html; do .././install-sh -c -m 0644 -c
$i /webaccess/templates/; cp -r images/ services/ cosign.css
post_error.html /webaccess/html/; done
cp: services: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 2.