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More: Cosign on a Sub Directory Only
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Beth Bridson wrote:
> Can Cosign be configured to work on a sub directory of my web site
> only? This is Cosign on Apache.
I should add: my previous email assumes that you have cosign
already set up and working on your web server. For example:
LoadModule cosign_module libexec/mod_cosign.so
AddModule mod_cosign.c
CosignHostname weblogin.umich.edu
CosignRedirect https://weblogin.umich.edu/
CosignPostErrorRedirect https://weblogin.umich.edu/post-error.html
CosignService lsa-example-service
CosignCrypto /opt/www/etc/ssl.key/server.key /opt/www/etc/cosign/certs/cosign-client-cert.pem /opt/www/etc/cosign/certs/CA
CosignGetKerberosTickets Off
You'll need to edit the serive name and pathnames above so that they
are correct for your environment, of course.
Mark Montague
LS&A Information Technology