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cosign-discuss at umich.edu
general discussion of cosign development and deployment

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Re: Development

On Fri, 9 Apr 2004, Brett Lomas wrote:

> What are your CVS details so I get the latest versions from CVS (via the CVS
> command and not the Web interface) so I start some development for The
> University of Auckland. (Which I will, of course offer back to the community
> :-) )

Hi, Brett,

The information is on the web site, although it's not easy to find.
If you click on "Browse CVS" on the cosign homepage, then click on
"UMCE Web Production" in the "Location:" line near the top, you'll
get the information:

    Anonymous CVS access is available using pserver. To log in to the
    server, set your CVSROOT environment variable to:


    and use the password "umweb"

Or, you can get the same information by going directly to

                Mark Montague
                LS&A Information Technology
                The University of Michigan

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