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FW: [win2000] IISCosign and Windows 2003/IIS 6.0.


Will in the letter bellow mentioned about instability issues when running win2003 IIS6 with ASP and .NET applications. I’m aware about problem when applications run in multiple pools. Does somebody discoverer something else?

And I would appreciate if you describe what kind instability you observed when running ASP and .NET

Thank you,

Konstantin Voyk


Law School, UofM



I'd like to solicit descriptions of current solutions that anyone has implemented using IISCosign on a Windows Server 2003/IIS 6.0 platform, preferably running in native IIS 6.0 Isolation mode.  I'm currently in the planning stages of what I hope to be a full-scale deployment of IISCosign on the Web servers within the College of LS&A, after some testing on both Win2K-AS/IIS 5.0 and Winserver 2003/IIS 6.0 platforms, and have encountered a couple of issues.  One of which causes Web application instability when running both Classic ASP and ASP.NET Web applications on the aforementioned platform.  The IISCosign folks know about this one and are working diligently to resolve it.  Also, I'd like to know if anyone is using IISCosign to "protect" any Web sites/applications that utilize IIS' Integrated Windows Security method?  Currently, pass-thru authentication does not occur and multiple logons are necessary.
Much thanks for any info that you can provide :-)
Will Shipman, MCP, Systems Administrator III
Web/Database Admin and VCMS Systems
LSAIT - Systems Services Team
University of Michigan
E-mail: wshipman@xxxxxxxxx
Phone : (734) 763-5577

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